

Abstracts for poster presentation only can be submitted via the online submission form, maximum 1,200 characters of text (excluding name and affiliation).
Deadline for abstract submission: 20 April 2022 10 May 2022.
Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered. The decision of the Abstract Evaluation Committee will be forwarded to the author by e-mail until 25 May 2022. Presenting authors must register and pay the registration fee.

Format requirements
Title: maximum of 100 characters, do not use capital letters.
Authors: first name(s), initial(s), surname Affiliations: institute, department, city, country
Abstracts should include the following sections:

All abstracts should be written in English. Abstracts will be published in the Final Program. Submission implies consent to the publication.

Poster presentation
Posters will be presented in electronic format (e-poster). The images of the e-posters will be available on FullHD LCD (resolution: 1080×1920 px) monitors during the conference. It will not be possible to place a printed poster.

Parameters of acceptable images are:

The e-poster image can contains more images and texts. You can see completed e-posters for example by clicking this link.

You can prepare your e-poster image by using picture editor software (for example: Photoshop, Gimp, etc.) or even with Microsoft PowerPoint.

If you would like to make your image in PowerPoint please download this template.

Edit your slide into the downloaded template.
Minimum font size is 10.
If you are ready please save the slide to png or jpg format.

Please note that we accept only one slide/image per presentation.

The authors of the accepted posters will be notified about the upload method.

Abstract submission