Date of birth 21.7.1968, birthplace Plzeň, CZ
1993 graduation M.D., general medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University, CZ
1996 Board Certificate in Pathology 1st degree
1999 Board Certificate in Pathology 2nd degree
(both certificate at Institute for Post Graduate Training of Physicians and Pharmacists in Prague, CZ)
2001 Graduation Ph.D., Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University, CZ
2003 Associated Professor of Pathology, Charles University, Prague, CZ
2009 Professor of Pathology, Charles University, Prague, CZ
Present appointment
Head of Laboratory of Special Diagnostics, Department of Pathology, Charles University Hospital Pilsen, CZ
Medical Council Registration
Czech Medical Society of J. E. Purkyně, Czech Urological Society, Czech Pathological Society, Unisted States and Canada Academy of Pathology (USCAP), European Society of Pathology (ESP), International Society of Urogenital Pathology (ISUP), Genitourinary Pathological Society (GUPS)
Working Groups
2011: Member of working group Classification of Renal Tumors, International Society of Urogenital Pathology (ISUP)
2015, 2020: WHO-blue book: Kidney Tumours
2020: GUPS – classification of renal tumors
389 papers according Medline (February 2021)
More than 5800 citations according Web of Science (February 2021)
H index 36 (February 2021)
Editorial boards
Čs. Urologie, Pathologia- Revista Latinoamericana, Annals Diagnostic Pathology, Case Reports in Pathology, Vichows Archives, Histology Histopathology