Thomas Krausz Slide Seminar 2019

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Case 1
65-year-old female, with history of ductal carcinoma of the breast in 2003. A PAP- smear in 2017 showed “atypical glandular cells not otherwise specified”. Subsequent endometrial (A) and endocervical curettage (B): rare clusters of malignant cells – ? type.

Case 2
68-year-old female (G3P3003) presenting with uterine bleeding. Transvaginal ultrasound: large, partly necrotic uterine tumor mass (22 cm). Endometrium could not be visualized. The mass appeared to replace the myometrium with metastatic nodules on pelvic peritoneum. She underwent total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy, peritoneal biopsies and pelvic/paraaortic lymphadenectomy.

Case 3
80-year-old woman with peritoneal tumor deposits. Previous core needle biopsy diagnosed as metastatic “adenoid cystic-like carcinoma”. Right ovarian partly cystic, partly solid mas, 10.5 cm. Submitted slide for the seminar was cut from the metastatic tumor deposit on the peritoneum.

Case 4
17-year-old G0P0 women with past medical history of multinodular goiter and hypothyroidism. Found unconscious at home by parents after acute onset of heavy vaginal bleeding. Physical exam: 10 cm, friable hemorrhagic mass protruding from the introitus. Partial trachelectomy and mass excision was performed. Mass was arising from the ectocervix. Excision was complete. The slide for the seminar is from the cervical mass.

Case 5
57-year-old female with history of uterine bleeding. Previous endometrial biopsy was diagnosed as high-grade carcinoma favoring endometrioid variant. Hysterectomy specimen contained a 5-cm yellow-tan mass in the myometrium.

Case 6
39-year-old female with history of vaginal strictures and primary infertility. Biopsies of vaginal stricture diagnosed as clear cell adenocarcinoma arising from vaginal adenosis at two independent institutions (no history of diethylstilbestrol exposure). Patient was referred to University of Chicago for definitive treatment.